Wie wählt man Nachbearbeitungsgeräte für Luftkompressoren aus?
Aug 27, 2024
- What is the air dryer for air compressor?
The compressed air enters the dryer from the air compressor and exchanges heat with the evaporator of the refrigeration system. The water vapor in the compressed air condenses into liquid water and is discharged through the separator. The finished gas is discharged from the outlet of the dryer.
The energy storage fluid enhances the heat exchange. On the one hand, it regulates the energy consumption at partial load. In order to save energy, for the Heisslufttrockner für Luftkompressor with a large processing capacity, the compressed air first enters an “air-to-air” heat exchanger. The treated compressed air is heat exchanged with the imported compressed air to recover part of the cooling capacity.
When the gas passes through the separator, the centrifugal force generated by the rotation causes the water droplets to condense and deposit at the bottom of the separator and isolate them from the airflow. The condensed water is discharged through the electronically controlled discharge valve.
- Do I need an air dryer for my compressor?
Compressed air used in the industrial field needs to be cleaned and dried. After the air is compressed by the air compressor, condensed water will be produced. Untreated compressed air containing condensed water will cause:
■ Corrosion failure of pneumatic equipment;
■ Deterioration of the quality of air-assisted processes;
■ Decreased quality of the final product;
■ Rust and corrosion of pipelines, leading to leakage;
Therefore, dryers are essential to protect users’ production systems and process flows.
- How do I size an air dryer for my compressor?
Ambient temperature, inlet temperature, and pressure must be considered.
Generally, you can assume an ambient temperature of 100°F, a dryer inlet temperature (i.e., compressor exhaust) of 100°F, and a pressure of 100psi. If your air compressor can output 50cfm, your air dryer will need at least 50 cfm of capacity. It is important to note that your dryer is already at maximum capacity. Critical factors such as high ambient temperatures will reduce the capacity of the dryer, depending on the drying capacity required. It is common practice to run a dryer with a capacity 15-30 cfm higher than the compressor.
Don’t forget to install a line filter so that oil can be easily removed from the discharge condensate at the source!